The IoT Converter can be configured with PC application (Graphical User Interface - GUI) or remotely through LoRaWAN or NB-IoT.
Please note, that the first one to three minute there is a bootloader sequence running during which the converter won't connect to the GUI. This issue will be solved with a new version of GUI, however you can skip the bootloader by pressing and holding the button for few seconds.
Since LUA is lightweight, high-level programming language, it's scripting interface is implemented into the IoT Converter, which allows you to implement your own logic (data preprocessing, etc.) within this device.
Using the links below you'll find more LUA functions and default scripts for IoT Converter.
Acrios IoT Converter uses OTAA activation by default. If you want to use ABP, you need to add this line api.loraSetup("ACTIVATION","ABP")
into function onStartup() inside of LUA script.
Device address (DevAddr), Network session key (NkwSKey) and Application session key (AppSKey) needed for registration of device on Network Server is provided inside of the box with the converter.
Over-the-air activation is set by default, so the only thing that's needed is to register device on desired Network Server, to do that you only need Application key (AppKey), which is same as AppSKey.
After creating and registering the device to Network Server, Acrios IoT Converter sends join request (if it's not already joined to any other network server). With join accept the registration is complete.
To manualy set APN & PLMNID the NB-IoT configuration part of LUA script needs to be modified.
For example:
APN = "nb.m2mc"
PLMNID = "23003"
The device then uses these values.
Automatic APN & PLMNID is used if it wasn't set manualy inside of lua script, or if the values of APN and PLMNID is set to:
APN = "auto"